Purchasing a new-build moving into your new home in 7 steps

1. Start by determining your budget

Set your budget. This is the very first step in your quest to find the home of your dreams. Setting your budget is done by consulting your various sources of income, such as your savings account, a loan and, if applicable, the proceeds from the sale of your current dwelling. Therefore it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment at the bank and get advice from a financial expert. Together you determine how much you can and want to loan for the purchase of your new-build. Do you own a house you’d like to sell? Then inquire after a bridge loan and have your house valued. To make this somewhat easier we have mapped out the cost of a new-build for you.

You also have to ask yourself this question: what amount do you want to put aside as a buffer for potential unforeseen costs in your everyday life? Unforeseen costs can occur at any time but also take into account costs that can be calculated in advance, such as the cadastral income.

2. Select your ideal residential neighbourhood

Once you’ve set your budget you can move on to the next step in the process of buying a new-build. Keep your budget in mind as you browse a broad selection of real estate websites. Specifically look for a property in the region you’d like to live in. Take into account such things as accessibility by car or public transport and how close you would like to live to shops, schools or, for instance, a recreational area.

Did a welcoming Matexi neighbourhood catch your eye during your search? Then it’s really very simple. Contact the Sales Consultant of your favourite new-build project via phone or email. You can always find all necessary contact details on the web page of the residential neighbourhood in question or on the real estate site. He or she will guide you seamlessly through the next stages of the purchase process. You will receive more information via email, such as the brochure and the plans for the house or apartment you are looking to buy.

Feel free to come and take a closer look at your new and welcoming home. Explore your new, finished neighbourhood at your leisure. Open the drawers and examine every nook and cranny. Our Sales Consultant will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. And is the neighbourhood where your new-build is located not yet finished? Then we will take you on a site visit, or we can visit a finished neighbourhood. The choice is yours.

3. Taking an option

All the pieces fit. You’ve found a new-build that has your name written all over it. In that case taking an option on the house is the next logical step in the purchase process. You can ‘reserve’ your dream house for up to 14 days. Meanwhile the Sales Consultant provides you with key information, such as the specifications and the sales agreement. This allows you to examine everything in detail so there can be no unpleasant surprises. The specifications contain all the info you need: from the budget for the furnishings, to the joinery and the technical and electrical installations that are provided. For instance, you will know which heating installation the professionals will install. Or what the budget is for your kitchen and bathroom.
You want to proceed with the purchase of the new-build? In professional terms this is referred to as ‘exercising an option’. Subsequently the sales representative draws up a preliminary sales agreement. The purchase of your new-build now enters a new phase: you sign the (preliminary) sales agreement and you pay an advance via bank transfer within the term stipulated in the preliminary sales agreement.

4. Our customer service agent is at your beck and call!

Now that the sales agreement is signed we are not leaving you to your own devices. Until the provisional completion (step 7) you can continue to count on your designated point of contact, your customer service agent! This includes the follow-up of the building process and the coordination of your home. Your customer service agent will contact you for a first personal appointment within 14 days or, if applicable, once the conditions precedent have been fulfilled. The timing for this depends on the construction phase your home is in.

From that moment you will be kept up-to-date on the building process of your home via the customer zone. This is your personal zone where you can monitor the building process of your new home from start to finish. It contains all relevant documents and your invoices. Keep close track of the works with the timeline in your customer zone. The messaging module makes it easy to communicate with your contact. In other words: the go-to place to stay up-to-date on the progress of your home! Your customer service agent will email you the login details for your customer zone. Throughout the process Matexi will keep you apprised of the progress of the works through photo and news updates. Don’t forget to check your to-do list on a regular basis because that is where you will find all actions that are still outstanding.

5. And now... it’s interior design time!

What does your dream home look like on the inside? During your initial conversation your customer service agent will give you all relevant information on your collaboration. After all, buying a new-build is one thing but it’s also very important for us to get a clear picture of how you see your new home. What tiles would you like, do you prefer a bath or a shower and do you want a light or dark kitchen?
The customer service agent will put you to work and send you on a tour of different showrooms. Once you’ve made up your mind you are ready to finalise your choices. Tip: ask the customer service agent by which date you have to communicate your choices.

6. Signing the deed sale: finalising the purchase of your future home

The notary has prepared the deed of sale and it is ready for your (digital) signature. This officially makes you the owner of your new home. However, if it is not entirely finished you don’t have to pay everything yet. So what do you have to pay? Well, the following three things:

  • the land share (and the associated registration fees: 12%)
  • the part that has been built (and the associated VAT: 21%)
  • your share of the infrastructure (and the associated VAT: 21%)

Suppose that only the shell construction phase of the new-build is completed at the moment of signing. In this case you will only be required to pay your land share, the infrastructure and the shell construction, plus 21% of VAT. And still you often read that new-builds are subject to 6% instead of 21%. So which is it? Later on you pay the rest of the works in instalments, according to the progress of the works.

7. The provisional completion

The work on your new home continues. You can keep a close eye on the construction process of your home through the photo and news updates in your customer zone.When your new-build home is finished, the customer service agent will schedule a meeting for the provisional completion. This means it’s time to check whether your future home meets the expectations you expressed when you bought the new-build. Draw up a list of things which, despite our best efforts, are not 100% satisfactory . These are all visible defects, such as scratches on windows and tiles that are not laid properly. The contractor then has twelve months to fix everything to your satisfaction.

Yoohoo! You can move to your new-build

The day is here at last: you receive the key to your new home and you can move in. Now it’s up to you: time to turn your new house into a home and get to know the welcoming neighbourhood. And if you do discover a construction defect over the years? No worries: thanks to your liability coverage you are covered for ten years. Our staff remain at your disposal to answer any questions you might have. Coming home never felt better!